Tips in Choosing an eCommerce Website Design Company


Today, web presence is paramount to any business big or small. The internet today has become the central location for prospective customers to discover brands and know more about them. To keep up with the ever-evolving demand, having a robust web presence is a huge factor in keeping ahead.

When it comes to choosing the right eCommerce web design company, the task is not an easy one because of so many service providers to choose from all over the world. When partnering with a web design company to build your business website, there are several things that should be taken into account.

The Right Web Design Company for your eCommerce Website

Portfolio is King

The portfolio undoubtedly says it all. You can simply log in into the website of the prospective web design company and take a look at the projects they have so far successfully delivered. More importantly, check out beyond the screenshots. Go the extra mile and click the links and go to the actual websites they have built.

A look at the portfolio could help you assess the quality as well as the diversity of the projects. Furthermore, the portfolio could provide a rough idea of what the service provider truly specializes in. Ideally, you should be looking for a company that claims to be experienced in an area and also has actually done several projects that support the claim.

Expertise in Electronic Commerce

A company website and an eCommerce website differ widely. A regular website provides customers vital information about the brand. An eCommerce website however, allows customers to do business via the web by doing purchases or sending orders.

The eCommerce section of the website serves a very important role; thus, you should seek web designers with eCommerce expertise. Check out developers with established histories of crafting intuitive, secure, and functional eCommerce solutions tailored to each client.

Aesthetic and Style

A web developer, for the most part, should be able to build a website that meets the exact specifications of the client. Nevertheless, various development companies certainly will display trademark styles. As you check out the portfolio, determine which art style and overall aesthetic best fits your website.

Partnering with a web design company that lines up with your style and aesthetic preferences could save headache and time in the long run.

Ownership and Maintenance

Often, business owners overlook one major element of web design, and that is—who has access to the website. A web design company that offers low rates may seem the best choice for you, but if you have to pay them each time you make a minor website update, over time the cost will add up. Moreover, if the service provider retains ownership of the design after completion, you could face issues later on when it comes to refreshing the design and branding.

You should own the web design when completed. Furthermore, you should be able to perform edits to your website as need without having to incur additional expenses.

Put Emphasis on the UX (User Experience)

The key metric to ascertain the website’s quality is the UX or User Experience. The web design should emphasize the web content to ensure online success. Web design is more than the aesthetics, it’s all about the structure and the functionality of the website as well.

There should be actual substance, which entices visitors and converts them into buyers. When looking for eCommerce web design providers to partner with, pay close attention to the content level that they typically deliver. Assess the quality by observing how deep they are willing to dig into your niche, industry research they have done before meeting with you and the plans to cater to the target audience.


When it comes to web design, a website design company that offers affordable rates may not always be right for your eCommerce website. Look for a website design company that is able to provide you with a design that you exactly need and helps boost conversion. Most of all, your website should make users enjoy their journey, from browsing to making purchases or availing of your services.