Reporting a Car Wreck In Birmingham,Alabama

The moments immediately after a car accident can be amongst the most stressful and overwhelming experienced,especially if you or someone else is injured. While paperwork is likely the last thing on your mind,there are some stipulations regarding reporting a car wreck in Birmingham,Alabama that you should keep in mind to protect yourself.

Police Report

Alabama state law requires that you remain at the scene of a car accident,unless it is unsafe for you to do so. You are also required to provide injured parties with necessary care. You will need to contact the police even if it is a minor accident with no injuries. The officer who is first on the scene will take a report. If your accident involves hitting a parked vehicle or other stationary object,you are obligated to inform the owner,and you should then contact a -.

Alabama Department of Public Safety Report

The Alabama Department of Public Safety does expect to be notified of the accident within 30 days. You can report the accident by filling out a SR-13 form found online or is available at any local police department. Getting a copy of the accident report for your records is recommended. Fill out the SR-13 form and mail it to the department with a $15 processing fee.

Insurance Reports

You should also file a report with your insurance company,and they will open a claim investigation. You will have to recount the circumstances to an adjuster,but remember that you are under no obligation to accept their immediate estimate or appraisal.

Insurance companies are renowned for doing almost anything to avoid paying up,and this is where hiring a competent- to advocate for you comes in more than handy. Your lawyer will likely secure a much higher settlement than would have been offered to you should you negotiate yourself.