Exciting technologies that are Revolutionising Office Security

If you are still using the same office security measures that you were using 10 or even 5 years ago, you are behind the times and an upgrade is needed to protect your workers and your most valuable assets.

The fact is that in the modern business world, basic traditional security measures simply won’t cut the mustard. Failing to get with the times and invest in the latest security technology is asking for trouble and dramatically increases you chances of suffering a security attack, either physical or cyber.

On the positive side of things, you have come to the right place. We are one of the UK’s biggest providers of security technologies and have put a huge amount of work into our office specific security services.

In this article we will look at just a few of the most effective technologies that are completely transforming the business security landscape in 2023.

CCTV security

What is the purpose of office security?

The goal of office security is first and foremost to keep your staff and your customers safe. If you can’t do so, your business is doomed for failure as your reputation both as an employee and as a service provider will swiftly plummet.

Office security must not only protect people but also data, with both physical and online copies of sensitive information of the upmost importance.

By eliminating threats you will likely see a marked upturn in staff productivity levels as well. After all a happy workforce is a productive workforce.

Mobile Technologies for Office Security

Mobile CCTV

Gone are the days where the only place you can monitor you CCTV is from a single room somewhere inside your office.

These days, mobile CCTV solutions allow you to log into the feed anytime and anywhere using an app on your phone.

This is great if you want to check on the status of your office at night or can’t make it in that day and want to ensure that everything is well.

If you have a security firm that you use for all your security needs, you could also grant them access to the feeds so they can perform their duties more effectively.

Access Control

Access control is a popular phrase in the security industry and can apply to both physical and online security. Fingerprint or eye scanners are a great way to protect devices such as PCs that contain sensitive information and can also be used to grant or deny access remotely to the office itself.

These are far more reliable and secure than traditional access readers that simply need a code.


Keyholding is not a technology in itself but rather a service where a professional security firm will monitor the technologies that you do have in place.

If your smart CCTV or alarm system picks up and intruder using AI, they will instantly send an alert to your security firm allowing them to use the set of keys you provided to access the site and deal with the situation.