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Commercial CCTV laws in the UK

There have never been more CCTV cameras on homes and business properties in the UK than there are today.

Add in all the cameras in doorbells, dashcams, and camera phones and you can be pretty confident that you are under the watchful eye of some form of security camera every time you enter a public space.

In business settings, CCTV is no longer the sign of a business that has taken its security to the next level as it once was. It is now expected, and any company that fails to install a wired CCTV system stands out a mile away. Criminals will be drawn to you, clients will avoid you, and staff may well feel unsafe working for you.

Simply put, business CCTV is an absolute must and the only decisions that you really need to make are which system to install and where to install it.

However, before you go right ahead and stick cameras up all over the place, you first need to consider the legal obligations that you have in terms of public privacy.

It may surprise you to find out that there are still extensive rules that you need to follow given just how many cameras can be found in public these days, but there are and as a business owner it is your duty to ensure your company abides by them.

Do I need permission to get CCTV?

No, you can buy CCTV cameras without any sort of licence or application, the rules are purely focused on their use.

What rules do I need to follow as a business owner with CCTV?

Here are the most important regulations that you need to follow as a business with a commercial CCTV system:

Install Appropriate signage

Signs alerting those nearby that they may be under observation is a must when installing commercial CCTV.

It is also a clever strategy for warning off any criminals who might be lurking nearby and cannot spot CCTV cameras from outside of the perimeter.

Cooperate with the Police

Of course, cooperating with the police is something that you are legally obligated to do no matter the circumstances never mind just in relation to CCTV installation but if the police do request images from your cameras you are required to provide them free of charge.

Do not use CCTV imagery unless essential

Only ever watch or record images for a genuine security or business related reason. You should also delete old footage when it is no longer required and never store footage unnecessarily.


Do not record in private spaces

It is illegal to record anyone without their permission in spaces where they have a realistic expectation of privacy. Not that you would ever consider doing so anyway, but toilets, bathrooms, and changing rooms are all spaces that should never be fitted with CCTV.

Follow these rules and your commercial CCTV system should protect you nicely for many years to come without landing you in any hot legal waters along the way.
